All port activity is carried out by the Maison Bleue silo, owned by BZ group. It is supported by a network of inland silos that are also owned by the group. Activity is mostly conducted via owner flows stemming from collections or purchases made by BZ’s divisions from other collection organisations.
The Maison Bleue grain terminal provides traditional services, that include loading and unloading the ships and barges. It offers something different from the other silos in the Rouen HAROPA port. Indeed, it is capable of importing medium- and large-sized ships, processing grain in the port itself, handling fragile grain and has all necessary logistical means required for receiving and dispatching goods.

1,5 million T/
The maritime traffic per year going through Maison Bleue is about 1,5 million tonnes.
€7.5 M/
Turnover for BZ Services – the division in charge of handling port activities in Maison Bleue (as well as inland silos) – amounts of 7.5 million euros.